yarn along


It’s been a while since I’ve linked up anywhere, but i am happy to join in on yarn along today. Reading and Knitting are my two favourite hobbies so I love it when they go hand in hand. This summer I put down the needles in exchange for a book a lot of the time, in fact. Less likely to get hot hands with a book.

I’m knitting the offset wraplan baby cardi for one of our best friends bun in the oven. I certainly hope it’s a boy, because these felici colours (sunny day) are turning out a lot less unisex than I was hoping for. What do you think? Pretty boyish right? I may just have to knit an alternate option in Boutique and pass this along to my OTHER friend who just gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. Hmm.

I’m reading shine shine shine by Lydia Netzer. As you can see I’m about 32% into it. Still not sure exactly what the storyline is, but i am enjoying it so far 🙂 I’ll let you know more once I’m further along. In the meantime, you can check it out on amazon if you feel like it. 


Honey Cowl and 1Q84

I decided I had to participate in yarn along today because I am fully obsessed with the book I am reading. I’m reading 1Q84.


THIS BOOK IS CRAZY! I’m only 29% in and I want to read what other people are thinking about it so badly but I don’t want any spoilers in reading reviews! It’s actually published as 1 book although the original japanese version was 3 books. So it’s pretty darn long! I just finished the first book. One thing I wish my kobovox did was tell me what page I am on. Not just what page of the chapter but of the whole book. That’s my only complaint though!


Anyways I won’t do into too much details but this book is an ode to George Orwell’s 1984, which I also adored. It follows 2 characters (at least where I am so far) who seem very different. Ah, I don’t even want to say anything, because nothing should be spoiled! If your curious check it out here.

(yes i took these photos yesterday…I had no idea if i was working and I wanted to be prepared 🙂 )

Okay onto what I am knitting. that is also important!

I’m working on the Honey cowl and ADORING it. I was hesitant to start this project for SO long because I knew it would be large rounds and I was worried it would take forever. Little did I know it’s going really quickly in reality. I think it’s the yarn.

002-001(now that’s a fresh photo!)

The yarn i am using is Art-by-Ana Dreaming DK in Splash. This is a merino cashmere nylon blend of beauty! Ana is an amazing dyer local to me and I love using her yarn so much! I think this will be my first FO from her yarn though actually. She has an etsy store but she sells the majority of her yarn locally. I actually have a skein waiting for me to grab it right now!

This project is using 2 skeins, which I alternate every 2 rows. One is slightly lighter than the other so I felt it necessary. I wanted bits of lighter teal all over the place on this one. I just love the way it looks!!


It’s so luscious. I can’t wait to wear it! I wish it was slightly more portable, but that’s not stopping me from bringing it on the bus with me. Definitely not. I need to have it at work to knit on my break! I work fun shifts like 2 – 10 pm with no one else but me in the office 🙂

(in the skein)

owlmazing makes…more hats!


I’m joining in for the yarn along with ginny this week. I cast on this hat yesterday. The pattern is amazon striped beanie. It is growing like a weed!! Which is good because I need the cord for my larch cardigan! The wool came in the mail today and I realised I had used the cord I needed to magic loop this hat.


I know I can do it so I am not too concerned. I am swatching and then washing it before I can get started on Larch in earnest so I hope that’s enough time! I’m already about 40% done this hat by now anyways. Chris asked me last night “don’t you have enough hats?!” so I think this will be my last cast on for a hat for a bit. I know my Larch will take over anyways!


I am also reading the 4th book in the song of ice and fire series now. The book is called a feast for crows. The whole series is awesome, a series about kings, queens, monsters, imps, wolves, dragons and gold.
It’s very political (who should rein the realm?) but very touching as well. You really can relate with some of the characters very deeply, and also despise others. I recommend them all. I haven’t read a single other thing since starting this series….5000 pages ago. Yeah. I’m obsessed. I’m going to be really sad when I get to the end of the published books! 😦

What are you working on/reading this wednesday?


owlmazing makes…Norby.

{and joins in with Ginny over at small things for yarn along, a day every week to celebrate knitting and reading!}

Yes, that’s right, I did it! I made Norby! And I am still as in love as the day we met. 😉


This hat has consumed all of my time for the past 4 days. Now, I get to wear it! I knit it exactly to pattern (Norby by Gudrun Johnston), using size 4 dpns for the ENTIRE hat! I really love the outcome, the yarn (LOFT in postcard), and the way the pattern was written. Very clear with good photos and instructions. It was fun learning to make the tassles with the twisted cord!


The stitch pattern is pretty and very easy to memorize. That allowed me to take this hat with me wherever I went, which I definitely did! I was MONOGAMOUS with this hat. Totally.


I really really love it! I don’t want to take it off. Everrr.


Hence why I am in my housecoat, reading, and wearing my hat. Perfect for Yarn Along. I am reading A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin. I am hooked on these books and the TV series was extremely well done as well. I am even more excited for the next season now because there are some things in this second book I really hope to see be recreated! The TV show is Game of Thrones, by the way.

Also, we have NO water from 9 am to 4 pm today and it is an ice land outside. I am staying home, reading, knitting, and RELAXING all day. Wouldn’t you know it, my chores for the day almost exclusively include water. Sorry dishes, laundry, and bathroom cleaning, you’re going to have to wait.

Ahhh. This day is going to be great. At least until 4 pm.

owlmazing makes…many things!

No time to chat today! Just time to show what’s on the needles. And what I’m reading. I’m going to link up with Ginny AND Tami! Let’s GO!


Taken from Ginny’s Blog to decribe the Yarn Along:
~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Take a photo and share it either on your blog or on Flickr.  ~

My Lovely Mystery Kal Sock. Too bad Chris’s project below has caused me to fall a bit behind! Loving the way the pattern is coming out though and yeah…I totally cheated and checked everyone’s progress for week 2. LOVE! I think I picked a great yarn, OceanWind Knits Merino Sock Yarn in Tickled.013k.
My Lightweight Pullover. 15 raglan increases in! I’m knitting a modified version to fit a small (smallest size was 35” bust), so I only need to complete 24 or  26 total. Getting there!!!! Here’s The Pattern by Hannah Fetig. I’m using Knit Picks Andean Treasure in Indigo Heather and size 3 needles.


And Chris’s gloves. He requested black gloves and I could not refuse. He is my beloved after all, and my beloved must wear my knitwear. Facts. Of. Life. He also looked at me with the sweetest saddest face the other night when I was NOT working on his project, and said “You dont love me!!!!!!!!!!!!”. He was only kidding but it left quite the impact. Should have these done in no time, as they are aran weight knit on size 7’s! The first one fits like a charm 🙂 The pattern is the Ken Gloves by Berroco Design Team. I am using Zara Yarns 100% merino in  black.

I’m currently on to the second book in the series, and can you believe how much I have READ!? Geeeez. Only thousands of pages and over a day of reading. Did I mention I bought this a couple days after christmas? You get a lot of reading done when you knit and read at the same time. A lot.

What are YOU knitting and reading today?