owlmazing makes…a mish mash post.

Ahh I feel like I am all over the place today! Let’s just see here…

I got an amazing package in the mail yesterday! I ordered a kit for thrummed mittens from Moonlightandlaughter on etsy. I chose to get a beautiful buttery yellow yarn and brown alpaca and wool fibre for the thrumms! I will be following the pattern provided, not the one I linked above, just so you know as well 🙂

The whole package all wrapped up.



Preeettttty. This is hand dyed merino and mohair yarn. looove it! Can’t wait to get started!


The package also contained some other special goodies. The fiber, which is alpaca and wool, came in 4 small puffs. still not sure if I know how to properly “thrumm” exactly but we shall see! This is my first time ever getting to play with anything that isn’t spun before!


The bundle itself was tied with a matching brown ribbon and in the bow was a cute firefly stitch marker. I love it! Also there was this beautiful and lovely smelling lavender sachet. The extra touches made it extra special! She also included and hand written card and a nice little packet of chocolate treats!


sorry….it’s just so pretty. I love the almost auburn color of this stuff! SO MUCH!

So overall I am super happy with my order. Go check out Moonlightandlaughter’s etsy shop! She has some really beautiful stuff. And this package I bought was definitely reasonably priced!


Secondly, Blogger is irritating me very much right now! I keep trying to comment on the blogger blogs I read and it tells me that the little verification code you need to use is ALWAYS wrong! They really aren’t hard to read…I can’t figure it out!


right? I’m not crazy….all of those got rejected. It happens every time. I must be insane because I keep trying and it NEVER works! Is anyone else who uses wordpress but comments on blogger blogs having this issue? Sigh.

That’s all. This afternoon i am going to head to knit knackers and pick up some DPNS for the mittens, and maybe some other stuff toooo….you never know 😉 I am weak. Very weak.