owlmazing makes…purchases she shouldn’t have!

I am a very bad girl!

Yesterday I stumbled upon Jared Flood’s latest lookbook, Wool People Vol. 2. OH MY.

First let me just say that I am in love with Jared. So madly in love. He is my idol. I want to BE him. Or marry him. Let him clothe me in his patterns and yarns. Or SOMETHING. Maybe steal his brain?

The first pattern I knit of his was the Romney Kerchief. I love it and so do my friends. They think it is gorgeous! Guys and Girls alike want their own. Jared’s pattern was easy to follow and fun to knit. It left me wanting more, more, MOREEEEE!


And so when I fell in love with Norby, and with 34th & 8th mittens, there was nothing I could do. I was POWERLESS in the face of this beauty. Plus Gudrun Johnson (designer of norby) is just awesome, and of course I love my spillyjane. Represent Canada, Girl! You rock. And so…


I was bad. Very bad. Or very good. Oh so very wonderful. I will have a norby knit from postcard and matching mittens from postcard and plume. Oh it WILL be beautiful. I am so excited to try out LOFT!

Never mind the fact that I have muuultiple projects on the needles RIGHT NOW and that I still owe Chris gloves, and must purchase more yarn and needles by the end of the day. Never mind all of that completely. Instead…

Let’s just drool over this a liiiiitle more.



Now go indulge yourself like I just did 🙂