owlmazing makes…hearty vegetable chowder



I figured I should start living up to my “subtitle”. AKA…owlmazing makes….FOOD! I actually love photographing food as well as knitting so I thought I would share the soup I made last week, seeing as it was DELISH! I followed Sweet And Savoury Kitchen’s recipe exactly. Only I used about double the potato because my potato was big and i did not want to waste it!


Also since we’re here, might as well mention that I’m trying to eat more soups (AKA VEGETABLES) to fit in with my healthy lifestyle. Bacon, potatoes, etc… this soup is still healthy in my eyes 😉 And since  I haven’t made an SFS update in a while I just wanted to say I’m still working it! Right now I am doing the 30 day challenge on Bodyrock.tv. Check that out! I hope to follow it exactly 1 week behind and if I do the final day will be on my 21st birthday 🙂

So go check out the recipe for this yummy soup full of cauliflower, broccoli, bacon, red peppers, corn, carrots, potatoes and flavour! It’s perfect on a cold winter day 🙂
