owlmazing makes…many FO’s

Only 1 of them knitting though. The other things I’ve finished today are:

– sweeping
– cleaning the bedroom
– dishes
– grocery shopping
– laundry

We are having chris’s parents and sister + her boyfriend over for dinner tonight so I’ve been in a bit of a cleaning frenzy you might say. Mostly just things that needed to be done so now they are DONE! Taco night with the family may ensuuuue!

I also have something much more exciting than housework to share…

Amazon Stripe Beanie! Yay it’s done! I actually finished it last thursday but I thought I would save it for this week since I know I am going Larch crazy over here, I am in the black hole of stockinette right now, agghhh!!!


The Pattern: Amazon Stripe beanie by Elisa McLaughlin
The Yarn: Malabrigo merino worsted in water green
The needles: US size 9 and 10.5
The notes: I was sceptical while I was knitting this that it was going to be TOO long but in the end it worked out just fine. I looooove this hat and I think it is the most flattering one I have made so far for myself. I am GOING to make more! I think some pretty hand spun (not by me of course) would be perrrfect, and in fact there is a hand spun version included in the pattern, awesome! I can’t wait to make many more and I love the construction. I used the braided piece to thread through the hat instead of a piece of yarn though.

My Pattern Page

What did you guys finish?!?! I’m going to head over to Tami’s ami’s to check out the other FO’s before dinner. I have a feeew more me minutes!
