owlmazing makes…a couple of requests!



It is my birthday in a few weeks and I am being badgered for gift ideas! I don’t know why but I am hitting a major brain block! I am trying to compile an amazon wishlist to email to my boyfriend and my parents.


I need some good knitting book ideas, and maybe smoe very pretty yarn ideas? or what tools do you think save your life? Should I ask for a swift and ball winder?

Here is what I have so far: My wishlist.

Help me get awesome presents for my 21st birthday 😀

Request # 2: Add me on Twitter! I just created a twitter account this morning…for all those times I feel like saying “omg 1 more repeat of ____” or whatever. Addd me! I need friends. I am so lonely 😦

😛 owlmazingmakes on twitter.

And as a thank you….check it out….Norby should be tassle-ified and blocked by this evening!
