Life Update


Oh my, what a couple of weeks it has been. I’ve been knitting a lot but posting like nothing to my shop whatsoever. Whoops. At least my Facebook page has generated a few sales though! Thank goodness.

As you all know it was recently Halloween, so I thought I would share the pumpkins Chris and I carved this year first!


Chris’s awesome Dracula pumpkin


my not-so-awesome “haunted tree” LOL! I was using a big knife because Chris broke 1 of the carvers and I messed up sooo bad. It does look like a monster or SOMETHING though, at least!


we carved this mini one together. It’s a bit less scary than the others but I LOVE it!


We of course made roasted sunflower seeds too! I roasted them in coconut oil, I’m obsessed with it! So good and so good for you. And it helps things not stick! It is AMAZING with sweet potato fries…you wouldn’t believe the difference it makes. These also have Hawaiian sea salt and some lemon and herb chicken spices on them 🙂 They turned out great.

A bunch of other stuff was going on but I won’t get into it. Instead I will just share 1 knitting photograph with you. These are the bumble bee inspired mittens I’m knitting for a friend after she liked my facebook page!


I just have the second thumb and ends to weave in and then I’m finished! I’m thinking I might post this pattern because it is simple and cute! We shall see 🙂

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