My knitting makes me want to cry.

Oh, Larch.

I love you so much, but you make me want to cry. WHY?! Why larch, why?

Last night, as I was nearing the end of the collar of doom, I decided to read on in the pattern and see what my next step was. What I saw was that in the finishing section, the pattern described sewing together the selvage edge of the collar to the front of the cardigan.

Uh, what?

What selvage edge?

APPARENTLY, what i determined while lying in bed last night feeling like a chump, is: you were only supposed to pick up stitches until the flat edge of the front, aka NOT the stitches we bound off at the beginning of creating the fronts. I, on the other hand, picked up stitched ALL THE WAY TO THE EDGE OF THE CARDI. Yes. The pattern just says to pick up stitches in certain increments and that the numbers you get may vary based on gauge and everything. I’m guessing it must be OBVIOUS to most people to not go right to the edge? I don’t know. not to me. Ooooh not to me.


What I do know is that my collar had 190sts (I only counted at the very end so as to not scare myself from ever finishing) compared to a nice 137 in the pattern. And OMG there is just no way I am undoing so many rows of 1×1 twisted rib. There is just not. I mean, look at it:


I’m really hoping that I can just get through the last 5 rows and everything will turn out fine. The edges I did pick up look okay on both sides and the collar SEEMS like its going to be okay. As long as it doesn’t look WRETCHED, i don’t mind if it looks different.

That’s what I keep telling myself at least.

I’m going to go pour myself a drink with a bit of this in it though:


And try to play with these in between larch rows to keep myself sane. I’m making Camp out Fingerless Mitts out of some noro chirimen in “colorway number 8”.


I split it into two so I could imagine what they’ll look like. This is gonna be crazy!

So yeah. Mitts make me happy. Larch makes me a sad panda.


owlmazingmakes does not suggest drinking alcohol to solve your knitting woes. In fact, it has been proven by SCIENCE that alcohol makes knitting mistakes appear at a much faster rate than knitting whilst sober. Do as she says, not as she does.

Larch Lundi

Today I am feeling rather sick so I’ve spent the morning on the couch, watching the downton abbey season 2 finale (omg yaaaay!! 🙂 ) sipping ice water and eating this:

French toast with raspberries and peachy deliciousness.


I’ve also been plugging away on larch. I am doing a test knit for Kessa (see it here, isn’t it beautiful? Can’t wait to get the pattern and the yarn, and get started!) soon, so I’m trying to focus EVERYTHING on this Larch before I am able to start Lapis. I really want to finish Larch within the march 31st goal but also want to totally dedicate to the Lapis once I get started. Luckily the sleeves are great travel knitting, so that’s really helping! I still guess I have about a week before I start the test knit so I’m going to try and do this. The first sleeve took about 3 – 4 days so you never know, I might make it! Do you think I could start on the front ribbing before I finish the second sleeve?

[Back & front. I love the conveniently placed marker i haven’t bother to cut off yet haha. I haven’t blocked anything yet so it’s rolling a lot but you get the idea.]

So, progress since last week:

  • finished back, did shoulder shaping, and did the 3 needle bind off (my first time – holy crap, its magic!)
  • Started and completed 1st sleeve
  • Finished ribbing of 2nd sleeve


I think I did pretty well. Finishing my socks of love really helped get me back in the mindset to work on the larch. Now with everything being so close to finishing, and Threadpanda being DONE her larch, i feel like I really should catch up! With that in mind, maybe I should get back to knitting! 😉

My project page: Larch.

FO Friday: The socks are done!


Wow. Taking pictures of socks is hard. I decided to post some of my fails today to show you that yes, taking photos of your own feet is a challenge. And no, Chris cannot do it, he is never home during daylight!! At least not when I am.

Exhibit A: Cool. You got the light from the window. But…What kind of a chair cushion IS that? And is that coffee I see in the background? Mmm…Coffee. I mean, socks? what?

Exhibit B: Random poses. Feet need to longingly look out the window too, you know.

Exhibit C: Oh, hey chair leg, sup? And you, window curtain, how you liking it here in all my photos? Comfy? oh, good.

Finally I got so frustrated I threw my legs up into the sky and gave up. But then that looked ridiculous too.


The Pattern: I just did a plain version with increases up to 64 sts instead of 72 of this pattern. I also decreased to 60 on the leg.
The Yarn: Gray, Golden Yellow, and Pumpkin Self-Striping Superwash Merino Sock Yarn from AlaskanNancy
The Needles: Us size 1 / 2.25mm Chiagoo AMAZINGNESS
The Notes: Obviously I love these socks. I mean, they’ve totally taken over my entire blog for the past week. This yarn is the best. It is sooooo nice on the toes. The striping is amazing. I used pretty  much all of the 110g of yarn I had. I love how I was able to match up the stripes pretty much perfectly. It actually made it easy to replicate two almost identical socks because I could watch the striping around the heel and know exactly what to do next. I highly recommend Nancy’s shop, Fireweed Dyeworks. I knit these puppies up in 6 days!!!


I’m joining in with Tami for this weeks FO friday. Go check out her cute sweater and everyone else’s stuff! I see a night of blog reading and knitting larch sleeves in my future. The boyfriend ( or should I call him the DJ) is getting a new CDJ (like a turntable that uses CD’s instead of records) on his way home from work tonight so I am going to be left to my own devices. I like it.
